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Welcome to Netos Support
Getting Started Welcome to the Netos customer and community support portal. Shelves group Net...
Install NetBox
Introduction This guide details how to deploy a new instance of NetBox. For guidance on upgradin...
NetBox Quick Start Installation Guide
Deploy a NetBox Dev/Test Environment in 20 Minutes To get NetBox up and running in the fastest p...
Users, Accounts & Tokens
Introduction We have set default tokens and passwords to get a test/lab environment up and runni...
Deploy Semaphore & Netos Projects
Introduction This guide details how to install Ansible Semaphore and automatically import all of...
Create NetBox API Token for Airflow
Introduction This task will provision an API key in NetBox to allow Netos Pod (Airflow) to pull ...
Netos Reporting Cache Pre-Load
Introduction Some reports require large database queries to prepare the data, which can take 10-...
Deploy Netos User Preferences & Field Choices
Introduction Netos enriches the standard NetBox dataset, and this playbook imports settings and ...
Deploy NetBox Community Plugins
This feature is a work-in-progress. Testing has been completed deploying the plugins in the scree...
NetBox Health Checks & Maintenance
Introduction In order to keep your NetBox instance operating smoothly you can run housekeeping a...
NetBox Restoration Guide
Introduction The restore process works by taking a backup generated by the NetBox Backup, decryp...
NetBox CSRF Settings
Introduction This playbook netbox-csrf will add your domains in the following format to the NetB...
Upgrade NetBox
Introduction This guide will walk you through the process of upgrading NetBox, including a sugge...
NetBox Backup Guide
Introduction The NetBox backup process provides regular secure backups. In summary the Ansible p...
Semaphore Backup Guide
Introduction The Semaphore backup process provides regular secure backups. In summary the playbo...
Restore Semaphore
Manual Restore We haven't included a playbook in Semaphore to restore itself, because it's a bit...
Deploying NGINX & Certificates
Introduction We have packaged pre-configured NGINX configurations for all applications that can ...
Sync Semaphore Repository Updates from Netos
Introduction Each Semaphore project links to an associated GitHub repository, for example: Ne...
Key Semaphore Principles
Introduction The following diagram illustrates the purpose of each menu item in Semaphore, in th...
Introduction to the Netos NetOps Project
Introduction Our goal with our Sempahore projects is to deliver a framework that makes it simple...